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How to Stay Safe during Freezing Weather Conditions

Welcome to TDECU’s comprehensive guide on navigating winter conditions. As insurance experts, we understand individuals’ challenges and hazards during winter. In this blog, we will provide valuable insights, tips, and precautions to ensure your safety and well-being in the few days we get winter weather in Texas.

How to Stay Safe during Freezing Weather Conditions

The winter season presents various challenges, including hazardous road conditions, low visibility, and extreme cold. Understanding these challenges is crucial for navigating the winter successfully.

Understanding Winter Weather

Before we delve into the strategies to navigate winter conditions, let us first understand the various types of winter weather you may encounter:


While this is not the most common in Texas, snowstorms occur when strong winds accompany significant snowfall. These storms can create blizzard-like conditions, reducing visibility and making travel dangerous. If you are ever caught in a snowstorm, it is recommended to stay inside and avoid going outside. The National Weather Service has a page on what to do if stuck in a winter storm.

Freezing Rain

Freezing rain is more common in the state of Texas. Freezing rain is a type of winter precipitation that falls as a liquid but freezes upon contact with surfaces, forming a layer of ice. This can lead to treacherous conditions, especially on roads and sidewalks. Black ice is common, so drive cautiously and avoid the roads if possible.

Ice Storms

Ice storms occur when freezing rain continues for an extended period resulting in a significant accumulation of ice. This can cause power outages, damage to infrastructure, and hazardous conditions for pedestrians and motorists. Insulating pipes, clearing gutters, and managing snow accumulation can prevent damage.

Extreme Cold

Extreme cold temperatures can pose serious risks, such as frostbite and hypothermia. Taking appropriate measures to protect yourself and stay warm during frigid conditions is essential. Do not forget about preparing for your pets who cannot protect themselves with layers to avoid the cold weather.

Preparing for Winter Conditions

It is crucial to make adequate preparations to ensure your safety and minimize the impact of winter conditions. Here are some key steps to follow:

1. Stock Up on Supplies

Create an emergency kit with essentials such as non-perishable food items, bottled water, flashlights, batteries, blankets, and a first aid kit. Additionally, heating devices such as hand warmers are a luxury for keeping extremities warm. These readily available items will help you during power outages or when stranded due to severe weather conditions.

2. Winterize Your Home

While it might be a costly initial investment, protect your home from cold temperatures by insulating doors and windows, sealing gaps, and maintaining a functioning heating system. Insulating pipes and draining outdoor faucets can prevent them from freezing and bursting. Plus, better insulating your house can save money on air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter.

3. Prepare Your Vehicle

Winterize your vehicle by checking the battery, tires, brakes, and fluid levels. Keep an emergency kit in your car that includes a shovel, ice scraper, jumper cables, blankets, and sand or salt for traction on slippery surfaces. Additionally, make sure to fill up with gas when possible to prevent having to get gas during a potential shortage.

Navigating Winter Conditions

Taking precautions and following safety guidelines is essential when venturing out during winter conditions. Here are some tips to help you navigate effectively:

1. Stay Informed

Monitor weather forecasts and stay updated on the latest information regarding winter storms, road conditions, and advisories. Sign up for emergency alerts in your area to receive timely notifications.

2. Dress Appropriately

Wear multiple layers of loose-fitting clothing to trap warm air and insulate your body. Remember to wear a hat, scarf, gloves, and waterproof boots. It is much easier to remove layers if you get too warm than to put on layers to get warmer. Dressing appropriately will help you stay warm and protect against frostbite.

3. Practice Safe Driving

When driving in winter, adjust your speed to match road conditions and maintain a safe distance from other vehicles. One of the most crucial aspects of driving in an icy or snowy condition is to reduce your speed significantly. Decreasing your speed gives you better control over your vehicle and react promptly to unexpected situations. Driving well below the speed limit and adjusting your speed further according to the conditions is recommended. Maintaining a safe distance between your vehicle and the one ahead is vital. The braking distance on icy roads is significantly longer, so increasing the distance between you and the car in front of you is important. Avoid sudden braking or acceleration, and use your headlights for better visibility. If conditions worsen, consider delaying your travel plans or using public transportation.

4. Walk with Caution

When walking on icy or slippery surfaces, take slow and deliberate steps. Use handrails where available, and be cautious of black ice, which is difficult to detect. Consider wearing traction devices on your shoes to improve stability, or avoid going outdoors when possible.

5. Heating Safety

If using space heaters or other heating devices, ensure proper ventilation and keep flammable objects away. Never leave heating devices unattended or use them while sleeping, as they are prone to overheating when left on for extended periods and can cause fires. Install and regularly test smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms to catch any problems early.


Navigating winter conditions requires careful preparation, awareness, and adherence to safety guidelines. Following the strategies outlined in this blog can enhance your safety and well-being during winter. Staying informed, dressing appropriately, practicing safe driving, walking cautiously, and prioritizing heating safety is crucial. Stay safe, and enjoy the winter season!

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How often should I check my vehicle’s tire pressure during winter?
    Check your vehicle’s tire pressure at least once a month during winter. Cold temperatures can cause tire pressure to drop, affecting your vehicle’s performance and safety.

  2. Can I use the same winter clothing for every outdoor activity?
    While some winter clothing items may be versatile, it is essential to consider the specific requirements of each activity. For instance, skiing or snowboarding may require specialized gear for optimal performance and protection.

  3. How can I prevent frozen pipes in my home during winter?
    To prevent pipes from freezing, insulate them with pipe insulation and/or heating tape. Allow a small trickle of water to flow through the faucets to keep water moving within the pipes, reducing the risk of pipes cracking. Moving water helps equalize the water pressure, which prevents pipes from cracking even if some of the water in the pipes freeze.

  4. What should I include in my emergency preparedness kit?
    An emergency kit for winter should include essentials such as blankets, non-perishable food, water, a flashlight, batteries, a first aid kit, a portable phone charger, and any necessary medications. Also, hand warmers are a nice luxury when stuck in the cold.

  5. How do I deal with cabin fever in freezing weather?
    Regular physical exercise, getting ample sunlight, practicing relaxation techniques, and maintaining social connections are excellent ways to physiologically prevent cabin fever. Staying in a regular daily routine with plenty of sleep will allow the days to pass faster.


Houston News Resources:

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